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The Origin Of The Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

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In 2004, Dave Asprey embarked on a journey that changed his life: he traveled to Tibet to learn meditation techniques, eventually stumbling into a guesthouse near the Mount Kailash peak. This is the story of the adventure that led to the creation of the Bulletproof Coffee Recipe.

Have you ever been on a journey that changed your life? In 2004, Dave Asprey, the creator of Bulletproof, was on a mission to better his health. To do so, he traveled to Tibet with the purpose of learning meditation techniques.

Dave stumbled into a guesthouse situated near the Mount Kailash peak, standing at 18,300 feet above sea level and temperatures dropping to -10 degrees (F). A small Tibetan woman offered him a cup of Po Cha, or Yak Butter Tea. This was Dave Asprey’s first taste of this traditional blend of butter and salt which contains many energizing properties. It was here that he learned about its power.

Dave wrote later in his best selling book, The Bulletproof Diet, that he had been rejuvenated by this creamy cup of traditional tea.

North face of Mount Kailash, Tibet.

As a dedicated biohacker, Dave immediately asked himself, “Why does drinking this tea make me feel so good at this high elevation? And why would a nomadic person who lives in a tent and must pack light bother to carry a heavy blender or a hand churn?” These questions were the beginning of the Bulletproof Coffee recipe.

Yak Butter Tea, known as “Po Cha”, a traditional Tibetan drink made of Yak butter and salt.

When Dave returned home, he felt that he was onto something special.  He immediately started working on replicating the rejuvenating affects of the traditional tea that he drank in Tibet.  After a period of trial and error, Dave discovered that the key was to use unsalted butter from grass-fed cows, which is probably more available in North America than yak butter. If you can’t find a yak, Dave suggests Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter (in the USA and European Union) and the New Zealand-produced Anchor Butter (available in Asia and Australia).

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Experience the Himalayas up close and personal as you trek towards Mount Everest Base Camp. Stay in small Nepalese villages, enjoy some rejuvenating “Po Cha” and take in the culture as you challenge yourself on this 14 day adventure.

Learn more!

Native to the Himalayas, the yak is a long-haired relative of the bison and buffalo.

Dave later experimented with adding coconut milk and coconut oil to the tea, but it seemed to overwhelm the tea. He learned the benefits of coconut oil from his anti-aging research.  He then switched from tea to coffee.  Mr. Asprey quickly learned that the coffee stood up to the coconut oil better than the tea.  The final part of the recipe was to add 1 to 2 teaspoons of a coconut extract, Brain Octane Oil to the coffee along with 1 to 2 teaspoons of the unsalted, grass-fed butter or ghee.

This is Bulletproof Coffee, aka butter coffee or keto coffee, an energizing beverage made with quality fats. It’s an incredible tool for mind-body fuel! When you drink Bulletproof Coffee, instead of eating a carbohydrate-heavy breakfast, you’ll feel sated and energized for hours. To make it, blend together freshly brewed coffee, MCT oil and grass-fed butter or Ghee. Get the full recipe here.

Since Mr. Asprey started selling the drink ten years ago, he estimates that more than 160 million cups of Bulletproof Coffee have been consumed. Mr. Asprey says his invention – which he has for breakfast every day – helped to “change my life, and allowed me to lose 100lbs”. He shared his discovery by blogging about it in 2009. Ten years ago, he started to sell the three ingredients of his Bulletproof coffee online.

Like Dave, I’ve started each and every day with a cup of Bulletproof Coffee since 2017.  I’ve used the extra energy and brainpower to thrive in my career and adventure pursuits. It turns my brain on and frees me from food cravings.

Note: Brian Hamilton has been using Bulletproof products in his daily routine since 2017 and is a brand ambassador for Bulletproof.

Skyblue Featured Video: How to Make Bulletproof Coffee!

Bulletproof Coffee is a rich, creamy coffee drink filled with healthy fats. It’s made with coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil. Coffee with butter has many added health benefits that you don’t get from regular black coffee. It’s popular in the keto and paleo communities, and is said to help with weight loss. Learn how to make bulletproof coffee and make this your new morning fuel.